While the Plate Carrier is rare in DayZ, you can find it at military locations. When you do find one, it will likely be blank, ready for you to fill with attachable pouches and a gun holster. With these additions, the Plate Carrier can hold up to 24 slots worth of gear and one handgun.

The real strength of the Plate Carrier, however, lies in its ballistic resistance. DayZ players know that bullets are a constant threat, so having armor that can endure gunfire is invaluable. The Plate Carrier is designed to hold ballistic plates that can absorb the impact of bullets and keep the wearer safe.
When searching for Plate Carrier ballistic plates, keep in mind that they are also rare. You may be lucky enough to find a set at a military location, but many players choose to trade or purchase them from other survivors. Investing in ballistic plates for your Plate Carrier can give you a definite edge in combat situations.
So, why should you strive to find a Plate Carrier in DayZ? Simply put, it can help you survive. With its ballistic resistance and ample storage space, the Plate Carrier can mean the difference between life and death in the harsh world of DayZ. While it may be challenging to obtain, the effort is well worth it.
In conclusion, the Plate Carrier is one of the most coveted items in DayZ Standalone. Its durable construction, storage options, and ballistic resistance make it an essential piece of gear for any survivor. Whether you're exploring military locations or trading with other players, acquiring a Plate Carrier and ballistic plates can greatly increase your chances of surviving the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world.